Hand Rips


You’ve taken good care of your calluses with these 3 tips but are still ripping on the bar.

How now brown cow?

Maintaining smooth hands is one thing, but how can you prevent rips during your workout?

Here are 4 more ways to take note of during training.

#1 Do not over train and let your hands heal

rest is important for healing calluses
Just like a broken heart, only time can heal all wounds.
If you notice that your hands are close to ripping, change up your training if possible. Rest your hands and allow the skin to remodel without forcing the rip. You'll be able to train the next day, and the skin underneath will have had an additional 24 hours to rest. Apply SStuff’s all natural Skin Repair Balm to moisturise and soothe your calluses and let it heal.

#2 Chalk

 chalk is helpful in gripping for crossfit.

Chalk is a double-edged sword. It is helpful in keeping your grip. With the use of chalk, you are less likely to hold the bar too tightly, which is good as it reduces the building up of calluses. However, on the other hand, you should not be powdering your hand till it’s snow white. Having too much chalk on your hand creates more friction between the bar and your hands and increases the likelihood of a hand rip. Using too much chalk also dries out your calluses. Remember to always wash out the chalk once you are done with training. It is also just practising good personal hygiene.

#3 Change the way you grip 

watch out the way you grip
If you have smooth calluses but are still ripping on the bar, perhaps it’s time to think about how you’re actually gripping the bar. Grips are important to preventing rips. The better your grip, the better your hands are maintained and the likelihood of injuring your hands decreases.
Your grip changes from different exercises. For example, performing a toes to bar / pull-up, you should be grabbing the bar around the base of your fingers while hooking your thumbs over the bar. This way, less skin will be bunched up between the bar and your fingers, minimising any potential rips and tears. Another popular grip to take note of is the hook grip. Keep your thumb closed with your fingers to create a tight clamp to help you lift the weight. Make sure to wrap your thumb around the bar then lock it in with your fingers. Protecting your thumb with tape is a good way to avoid ripping too.

#4 Use a hand grip

hand grip
If you find that you’re struggling to grip on the bar with your bare hands, it might be worth considering using a hand grip. There are many out there in the market and I do not dare to claim which is the best. Do take note that they do take time in getting used to wearing them and it is still possible to rip under the hand grips. It is still important to maintain your calluses. But wearing hand grips will help your grip once you get used to them.

Remember, it just takes time. Conditioning your hand is just like conditioning any other part of your body. It takes time and effort. Continue to maintain your calluses and take good care of your hands. Well maintained calluses are much less likely to tear, and when you take note of the pointers mentioned above, you’ll be able to focus on the workout without worrying about ripping your hands. These tips will get you through your training with efficiency.